After-School Nature Classes @ PS 282!
Tuesdays in the PS 282 garden
April - June 2024
April - June 2024
Brooklyn Seeds on Tuesdays!
This Spring, PS 282 students will learn about the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees in the school garden and in the neighborhood. Each week we focus on one native plant or animal in the garden and on the block and learn about its historical, medicinal and current use by Native Americans on Turtle Island. Kids will learn about and rescue the tiniest animals. Older kids will discuss the link to today’s movements for climate and environmental justice, racial justice, and justice for incarcerated people.
We also ask: How does our presence in the garden affect the plants and animals around us? Can we use our knowledge and power to help native plants and wildlife? Kids will also create art wok to educate passersby about the benefits of native plants and animals. We will also learn about and observe the fascinating mushrooms which pop up in the oddest places and play a crucial role in the health and well-being of our planet.
GRADES: K - 5.
Older kids will have more challenging activities. We will keep classroom buddies, siblings and similar age groups together. Parents and babysitters also have the option of dropping children off at the parks.
Spring Nature and Gardening:
10 Tuesdays: $700
2:40 - 5:15
April 2, 9, 16
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4, 11, 18
Garden entrance unless it's raining hard, in which case we will dismiss in the school lobby.
We do NOT have classes when public schools are closed. This includes school holidays, snow days, half days, etc...
All kids must wear comfortable shoes which allow them to run, hop, climb, skip and moon walk. NO SANDALS. Kids often step on other kids' toes, sometimes accidentally. It can be painful. Also, no fancy outfits because they will absolutely destroy them when they jump into that mud or rain puddle, which is often really funny for us. So please dress for easy and comfortable outdoor movement on Thursdays, and expect them to get very dirty. If your child absolutely loves mud, it may be good to pack an extra shirt or shorts. Comfort is also crucial because we will sometimes run or skip or hop or walk long distances as we learn about flora and fauna in Brooklyn.
HAPPY KIDS WHO AREN'T BOSSED AROUND GROW UP TO CHANGE THE WORLD (Our philosophy. A bit judgy, but must read.)
We practice compassionate communication and incorporate social-emotional learning into fun nature classes. We find fun and gentle ways to communicate to kids about nature while giving them time and space to express their needs, whether it’s frustration about something that happened during the school day or sharing a meaningful experience with the group. We also give them choices. We encourage kids to question authority, to question the powerful (grownups), to question decision-makers, to question conventional wisdom and to never accept intimidation or "because I said so" as good answers. The only time we don't give kids a choice is when it comes to safety rules, like crossing the street, etc... But asking questions and questioning authority is a SUPERPOWER.
Kids who are taught to question authority grow up to be adults who question conventional wisdom- adults who speak up when plants, animals, people and neighborhoods are destroyed for profit or gentrification or highways or greed or the expansion of a hospital or university or a state or whatever. When your child questions you or us, it can sometimes feel like they're being disrespectful. Let them question all of us so they know it's safe to do so, so they can exercise that part of their brain and their heart. If they can't ask you or us, who can they ask? As long as they do no harm to themselves or others, these questions are a sign of a healthy child. It's not easy because it means we're always explaining, but it allows them to accept what we say or explore or research different options. These kids will grow up to be compassionate social justice leaders who speak up when others are silent about racism, war, the prison industrial complex, unfair pay or the gentrification in their neighborhood.
Please pack a full metal water bottle and 2 -10 snacks because your adorables sometimes eat their snacks during lunch, EVERY single one of them, or trade them or lose them. But they often disappear to the same place where socks and mittens go. If possible, please do not pack plastic water bottles. If you need a metal water bottle, we will get one for your child if you tell us in advance. Plastic takes HUNDREDS of years to decompose, causing irreparable harm to our planet, to many animals, to people's health, and to the future of all of our children and grandchildren. We often talk about the many harms of plastic in our nature classes and you can see the pain in kids' faces as we talk about the plastics as they stare at single use plastics sitting in their lunch bags. Kids take this very very seriously. So do we. Please find an alternative to single-use plastics so we're not also filling the garden with these harmful plastics that can never ever be reused. Also, if you'd like the full guilt trip, and want to not sleep for a few nights, watch "The Story of Plastic." You will never see plastic the same way again. And hopefully it will have the same effect on you that it had on us.
Equity requires effort. We cannot afford to give gardening scholarships without your help. Here’s how you can help:
Cost to pay for your child and support another family: $1000
Scholarship $0-$700 cost per child for families who need extra support. No explanation needed.
In last year's program, more than 25% of our gardeners paid nothing. Thank you to the incredibly generous families who made this possible.
Scholarships are not guaranteed unless you get a confirmation email from us. And please remember, if there is limited space, we want to give new families a chance to apply for a scholarship if they haven't received one in the past. But we will do everything we can to make sure kids who love nature will get to experience nature.
Registration Options for PS 282 students:
PS-282 students have two After-School Nature and Gardening choices:
1) In the PS 282 school garden on Tuesdays. Dismissal is at the school garden.
Click Here for Tuesdays in the school garden option.
2) Prospect Park nature option on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Choose the Prospect Park option where we pick students up from the bus stop at Sterling and Underhill or you can drop your child off to Grand Army Plaza.
Click here for PS 282 in Prospect Park option.
You can also click on one of the large registration links below to sign up for Tuesdays or Prospect Park!
This Spring, PS 282 students will learn about the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees in the school garden and in the neighborhood. Each week we focus on one native plant or animal in the garden and on the block and learn about its historical, medicinal and current use by Native Americans on Turtle Island. Kids will learn about and rescue the tiniest animals. Older kids will discuss the link to today’s movements for climate and environmental justice, racial justice, and justice for incarcerated people.
We also ask: How does our presence in the garden affect the plants and animals around us? Can we use our knowledge and power to help native plants and wildlife? Kids will also create art wok to educate passersby about the benefits of native plants and animals. We will also learn about and observe the fascinating mushrooms which pop up in the oddest places and play a crucial role in the health and well-being of our planet.
GRADES: K - 5.
Older kids will have more challenging activities. We will keep classroom buddies, siblings and similar age groups together. Parents and babysitters also have the option of dropping children off at the parks.
Spring Nature and Gardening:
10 Tuesdays: $700
2:40 - 5:15
April 2, 9, 16
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4, 11, 18
Garden entrance unless it's raining hard, in which case we will dismiss in the school lobby.
We do NOT have classes when public schools are closed. This includes school holidays, snow days, half days, etc...
All kids must wear comfortable shoes which allow them to run, hop, climb, skip and moon walk. NO SANDALS. Kids often step on other kids' toes, sometimes accidentally. It can be painful. Also, no fancy outfits because they will absolutely destroy them when they jump into that mud or rain puddle, which is often really funny for us. So please dress for easy and comfortable outdoor movement on Thursdays, and expect them to get very dirty. If your child absolutely loves mud, it may be good to pack an extra shirt or shorts. Comfort is also crucial because we will sometimes run or skip or hop or walk long distances as we learn about flora and fauna in Brooklyn.
HAPPY KIDS WHO AREN'T BOSSED AROUND GROW UP TO CHANGE THE WORLD (Our philosophy. A bit judgy, but must read.)
We practice compassionate communication and incorporate social-emotional learning into fun nature classes. We find fun and gentle ways to communicate to kids about nature while giving them time and space to express their needs, whether it’s frustration about something that happened during the school day or sharing a meaningful experience with the group. We also give them choices. We encourage kids to question authority, to question the powerful (grownups), to question decision-makers, to question conventional wisdom and to never accept intimidation or "because I said so" as good answers. The only time we don't give kids a choice is when it comes to safety rules, like crossing the street, etc... But asking questions and questioning authority is a SUPERPOWER.
Kids who are taught to question authority grow up to be adults who question conventional wisdom- adults who speak up when plants, animals, people and neighborhoods are destroyed for profit or gentrification or highways or greed or the expansion of a hospital or university or a state or whatever. When your child questions you or us, it can sometimes feel like they're being disrespectful. Let them question all of us so they know it's safe to do so, so they can exercise that part of their brain and their heart. If they can't ask you or us, who can they ask? As long as they do no harm to themselves or others, these questions are a sign of a healthy child. It's not easy because it means we're always explaining, but it allows them to accept what we say or explore or research different options. These kids will grow up to be compassionate social justice leaders who speak up when others are silent about racism, war, the prison industrial complex, unfair pay or the gentrification in their neighborhood.
Please pack a full metal water bottle and 2 -10 snacks because your adorables sometimes eat their snacks during lunch, EVERY single one of them, or trade them or lose them. But they often disappear to the same place where socks and mittens go. If possible, please do not pack plastic water bottles. If you need a metal water bottle, we will get one for your child if you tell us in advance. Plastic takes HUNDREDS of years to decompose, causing irreparable harm to our planet, to many animals, to people's health, and to the future of all of our children and grandchildren. We often talk about the many harms of plastic in our nature classes and you can see the pain in kids' faces as we talk about the plastics as they stare at single use plastics sitting in their lunch bags. Kids take this very very seriously. So do we. Please find an alternative to single-use plastics so we're not also filling the garden with these harmful plastics that can never ever be reused. Also, if you'd like the full guilt trip, and want to not sleep for a few nights, watch "The Story of Plastic." You will never see plastic the same way again. And hopefully it will have the same effect on you that it had on us.
Equity requires effort. We cannot afford to give gardening scholarships without your help. Here’s how you can help:
Cost to pay for your child and support another family: $1000
Scholarship $0-$700 cost per child for families who need extra support. No explanation needed.
In last year's program, more than 25% of our gardeners paid nothing. Thank you to the incredibly generous families who made this possible.
Scholarships are not guaranteed unless you get a confirmation email from us. And please remember, if there is limited space, we want to give new families a chance to apply for a scholarship if they haven't received one in the past. But we will do everything we can to make sure kids who love nature will get to experience nature.
Registration Options for PS 282 students:
PS-282 students have two After-School Nature and Gardening choices:
1) In the PS 282 school garden on Tuesdays. Dismissal is at the school garden.
Click Here for Tuesdays in the school garden option.
2) Prospect Park nature option on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Choose the Prospect Park option where we pick students up from the bus stop at Sterling and Underhill or you can drop your child off to Grand Army Plaza.
Click here for PS 282 in Prospect Park option.
You can also click on one of the large registration links below to sign up for Tuesdays or Prospect Park!
See payment options below: Venmo or Zelle or Check or Credit Card
Venmo --
Zelle -- Zelle Brooklyn Seeds using mobile phone number 646-302-3149.
Check -- Check made out to Brooklyn Seeds.
Mail to Brooklyn Seeds. 127 Avenue C. #2, Brooklyn, NY 11218.
Credit Card -- Click for all the Credit Card payment options for PS 282 in School Garden
Credit Card -- Click for all the Credit Card payment options for PS 282 in Prospect Park
When making payments on all platforms, please note your child's first and last name, school and season-Spring 2023.
Would you like to support other economically struggling families? Please give what you can and we will apply it to scholarships. Over 25% of our kids receive scholarships, so any additional amount will help!
If you have any problems, please email [email protected] or text 646-302-3149. Please always text first.
[email protected]
See payment options below: Venmo or Zelle or Check or Credit Card
Venmo --
Zelle -- Zelle Brooklyn Seeds using mobile phone number 646-302-3149.
Check -- Check made out to Brooklyn Seeds.
Mail to Brooklyn Seeds. 127 Avenue C. #2, Brooklyn, NY 11218.
Credit Card -- Click for all the Credit Card payment options for PS 282 in School Garden
Credit Card -- Click for all the Credit Card payment options for PS 282 in Prospect Park
When making payments on all platforms, please note your child's first and last name, school and season-Spring 2023.
Would you like to support other economically struggling families? Please give what you can and we will apply it to scholarships. Over 25% of our kids receive scholarships, so any additional amount will help!
If you have any problems, please email [email protected] or text 646-302-3149. Please always text first.
[email protected]